ASAFOETIDA HOMEOPATHY remedy in olden times was frequently abused for man and beast. Our grandfathers supposed it was a protection against disease, and hence they used it in the stables. Lumps of "foety",as they called it, were put in the corn for the horse, to keep off distemper. What it has accomplished I am unable to say, but it is certain that these farmers looked upon Asafetida as a great protective against disease. It has been used also by the laity asa medicine for fainting, for hysteria, and all sorts of nervous symptoms and complaints. The use is justified by the proving.These things are scarcely worthy of note, but it shows the general use among the people, as a domestic medicine, in crude form. It has been used more extensively in this form than in professional practice in a legitimate way.
There is one class of patients you will find who will trouble you. Those cases that come into your office with puffed, venous, purple faces; they have an appearance of plethora; the face looks puffed, bloated and dropsical at times; it is a dark red, dusky face; such a face we shall cure sometimes with Asafetida. Carbo-an., Aurum, Carbo-veg. and Pulsatilla are also related to this kind of face, but it is a very troublesome face, it shows more or less cardiac disturbance and venous stasis. The venous side of the heart will often be involved, or be about to be involved, when you have this kind or face. I never like to see them come into my office, for they are hard cases to manage. They have deep-seated troubles,with bleeding, they are subject to sudden inflammations, and they do not rally quickly. In this constitution we have ulcerations; a little place will ulcerate and suppurate, and the ulceration will burrow; this is just what this remedy does. Another thing this kind of constitution will do is to set up an inflammatory condition of the periosteum with swelling, periostitis of thetibia for instance, where the circulation is not very active;inflammation of cartilages with tumefaction and purple skin,stitching pains and dropsy, ulcerations and fistulous openings.
ASAFOETIDA HOMEOPATHY medicine is good for just such states. "Ulcers with extremesensitiveness".Patients often say, "I get no sympathy when I am sick becauseI look so well"; fat, flabby and purple. This remedy will seldombe thought of in lean persons; they seem to be free fromcomplaints like those of Asafetida, but in fat, flabby persons,extremely nervous, extremely sensitive to pain, full of hysteria.Purple when out in the cold, purple when excited. In other words,you see before you the venous constitution, and these people getthe worst kind of hysteria; they go off almost from no cause intofainting; from a close room, from excitement, from anydisturbance; sometimes cramps come on, but more especiallyfainting. They are subject to stitching pains from the bone tothe surface; that is, from within out. The periosteum becomesirritated, and glands become swollen. Syphilis sometimes producesthis kind of condition. Vascular disturbances in the body;periostitis, necrosis, induration of glands, nerve syphilis andhead pains. In old syphilitics with this kind of venous face,subject to bleeding, ulcers turn black or become purple. In thisthere is a similarity to Lachesis. Old scars turn purple,threaten to suppurate, take on a venous aspect, become painfuland turn black. Ulcers form at the site of old scars in oldsyphilitic patients and sometimes in psoric patients. Mostcomplaints come on during rest and are better by slow motion.
There is another grand feature running through ASAFOETIDA HOMEOPATHY remedy;it is full of discharges, catarrhal discharges, discharges fromulcers, watery discharges from different places, and even watery stool; and all these discharges are horribly offensive andichorous. Deep, flat ulcers from bone and periosteal affectionsgive out a watery, bloody discharge that is horribly offensive,with pains shooting outwards. Get the idea of the venous stasiswell fixed in your mind and with this syphilitic state added toit. There are many pains running through the remedy and theyare night pains like those of syphilis, nightly bone pains, andpains in the periosteum. The ulcers are deep, with bluish edges.Varicose veins surround the ulcers. Inflammation of the bone andperiosteum, with blueness all around the ulcers. When there hasbeen an inflammatory condition of the periosteum, somewhatpassive in character, the skin adheres to the bone, glues down toit by adhesion. It is too feeble to ulcerate, it does not get upa likely inflammation, but only a passive state. The glands allover the body are hot and throbbing, with shooting, jerkingpains, in syphilis or old psoric and scrofulous complaints.The bone pains that are felt in the head are sometimes verydistressing. Old syphilitic bone pains in the head, stitching,penetrating. It seems where there are lumps and nodules, aboutthe head, this medicine seems to hurry things. Shooting,stitching, tearing pains under left frontal eminence. Thisstitching pain is sometimes described as if a nail or plug weredriven into the head. These nervous headaches are syphilitic,hysterical or scrofulous; hysterical pains described as rending,tearing, stitching. All over the head there is stitching pain,but in the frontal eminence, in the temples, there is a sensationas if a nail or plug were driven in, and most of the pains seemto bore, as if they extended from the bone to the surface, andhence are said to be from within out.